The base model interface for the JournalArticle service. Represents a row in the "JournalArticle" database table, with each column mapped to a property of this class. This interface and its corresponding implementation JournalArticleModelImpl exist only as a container for the default property accessors generated by ServiceBuilder. Helper methods and all application logic should be put in JournalArticleImpl .
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.lang.Object | clone () |
int | compareTo (JournalArticle journalArticle) |
java.lang.String | getArticleId () |
Returns the localized description of this journal article in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
Returns the localized description of this journal article in the language.Returns the localized description of this journal article in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
Returns a map of the locales and localized descriptions of this journal article. Returns the display date of this journal article. Returns the expiration date of this journal article. Returns the folder ID of this journal article. Returns the group ID of this journal article. Returns the ID of this journal article. Returns the indexable of this journal article. Returns the last publish date of this journal article. Returns the layout uuid of this journal article. Returns the modified date of this journal article. Returns the primary key of this journal article. Returns the resource prim key of this journal article. Returns the review date of this journal article. Returns the small image of this journal article. Returns the small image ID of this journal article. Returns the small image url of this journal article. Returns the status of this journal article. Returns the status by user ID of this journal article. Returns the status by user name of this journal article. Returns the status by user uuid of this journal article. Returns the status date of this journal article. Returns the title of this journal article. Returns the localized title of this journal article in the language.Returns the localized title of this journal article in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
Returns the localized title of this journal article in the language.Returns the localized title of this journal article in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
Returns a map of the locales and localized titles of this journal article. Returns the trash entry created when this journal article was moved to the Recycle Bin. Returns the class primary key of the trash entry for this journal article. Deprecated. As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement Returns the tree path of this journal article. Returns the url title of this journal article. Returns the user ID of this journal article. Returns the user name of this journal article. Returns the user uuid of this journal article. Returns the uuid of this journal article. Returns the version of this journal article. Returns true if this journal article is approved. Returns true if this journal article is denied. Returns true if this journal article is a draft. Returns true if this journal article is expired. Returns true if this journal article is inactive. Returns true if this journal article is incomplete. Returns true if this journal article is indexable. Returns true if this journal article is in the Recycle Bin. Returns true if the parent of this journal article is in the Recycle Bin. Returns true if this journal article is pending. Returns true if this journal article is scheduled. Returns true if this journal article is small image. Sets the article ID of this journal article. Sets the class name ID of this journal article. Sets the class pk of this journal article. Sets the company ID of this journal article. Sets the content of this journal article. Sets the create date of this journal article. Sets the ddm structure key of this journal article. Sets the ddm template key of this journal article. Sets the description of this journal article. Sets the localized description of this journal article in the language. Sets the localized description of this journal article in the language, and sets the default locale.Sets the localized descriptions of this journal article from the map of locales and localized descriptions.
Sets the localized descriptions of this journal article from the map of locales and localized descriptions, and sets the default locale.
Sets the display date of this journal article. Sets the expiration date of this journal article. Sets the folder ID of this journal article. Sets the group ID of this journal article. Sets the ID of this journal article. Sets whether this journal article is indexable. Sets the last publish date of this journal article. Sets the layout uuid of this journal article. Sets the modified date of this journal article. Sets the primary key of this journal article. Sets the resource prim key of this journal article. Sets the review date of this journal article. Sets whether this journal article is small image. Sets the small image ID of this journal article. Sets the small image url of this journal article. Sets the status of this journal article. Sets the status by user ID of this journal article. Sets the status by user name of this journal article. Sets the status by user uuid of this journal article. Sets the status date of this journal article. Sets the title of this journal article. Sets the localized title of this journal article in the language. Sets the localized title of this journal article in the language, and sets the default locale. Sets the localized titles of this journal article from the map of locales and localized titles.Sets the localized titles of this journal article from the map of locales and localized titles, and sets the default locale.
Sets the tree path of this journal article. Sets the url title of this journal article. Sets the user ID of this journal article. Sets the user name of this journal article. Sets the user uuid of this journal article. Sets the uuid of this journal article. Sets the version of this journal article.long getPrimaryKey()Returns the primary key of this journal article.
void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey)Sets the primary key of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getUuid()Returns the uuid of this journal article.
void setUuid(java.lang.String uuid)Sets the uuid of this journal article.
long getId()Returns the ID of this journal article.
void setId(long id)Sets the ID of this journal article.
long getResourcePrimKey()Returns the resource prim key of this journal article.
void setResourcePrimKey(long resourcePrimKey)Sets the resource prim key of this journal article.
boolean isResourceMain()
long getGroupId()Returns the group ID of this journal article.
void setGroupId(long groupId)Sets the group ID of this journal article.
long getCompanyId()Returns the company ID of this journal article.
void setCompanyId(long companyId)Sets the company ID of this journal article.
long getUserId()Returns the user ID of this journal article.
void setUserId(long userId)Sets the user ID of this journal article.
java.lang.String getUserUuid()Returns the user uuid of this journal article.
void setUserUuid(java.lang.String userUuid)Sets the user uuid of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getUserName()Returns the user name of this journal article.
void setUserName(java.lang.String userName)Sets the user name of this journal article.
java.util.Date getCreateDate()Returns the create date of this journal article.
void setCreateDate(java.util.Date createDate)Sets the create date of this journal article.
java.util.Date getModifiedDate()Returns the modified date of this journal article.
void setModifiedDate(java.util.Date modifiedDate)Sets the modified date of this journal article.
long getFolderId()Returns the folder ID of this journal article.
void setFolderId(long folderId)Sets the folder ID of this journal article.
java.lang.String getClassName()Returns the fully qualified class name of this journal article.
void setClassName(java.lang.String className)
long getClassNameId()Returns the class name ID of this journal article.
void setClassNameId(long classNameId)Sets the class name ID of this journal article.
long getClassPK()Returns the class pk of this journal article.
void setClassPK(long classPK)Sets the class pk of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getTreePath()Returns the tree path of this journal article.
void setTreePath(java.lang.String treePath)Sets the tree path of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getArticleId()Returns the article ID of this journal article.
void setArticleId(java.lang.String articleId)Sets the article ID of this journal article.
double getVersion()Returns the version of this journal article.
void setVersion(double version)Sets the version of this journal article.
java.lang.String getTitle()Returns the title of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getTitle(java.util.Locale locale)
Returns the localized title of this journal article in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getTitle(java.util.Locale locale, boolean useDefault)
Returns the localized title of this journal article in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getTitle(java.lang.String languageId)
Returns the localized title of this journal article in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getTitle(java.lang.String languageId, boolean useDefault)
Returns the localized title of this journal article in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getTitleCurrentLanguageId()
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getTitleCurrentValue()
java.util.Map getTitleMap()Returns a map of the locales and localized titles of this journal article.
void setTitle(java.lang.String title)Sets the title of this journal article.
void setTitle(java.lang.String title, java.util.Locale locale)Sets the localized title of this journal article in the language.
void setTitle(java.lang.String title, java.util.Locale locale, java.util.Locale defaultLocale)Sets the localized title of this journal article in the language, and sets the default locale.
void setTitleCurrentLanguageId(java.lang.String languageId)
void setTitleMap(java.util.Map titleMap)Sets the localized titles of this journal article from the map of locales and localized titles.
void setTitleMap(java.util.Map titleMap, java.util.Locale defaultLocale)
Sets the localized titles of this journal article from the map of locales and localized titles, and sets the default locale.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getUrlTitle()Returns the url title of this journal article.
void setUrlTitle(java.lang.String urlTitle)Sets the url title of this journal article.
java.lang.String getDescription()Returns the description of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale)
Returns the localized description of this journal article in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale, boolean useDefault)
Returns the localized description of this journal article in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getDescription(java.lang.String languageId)
Returns the localized description of this journal article in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getDescription(java.lang.String languageId, boolean useDefault)
Returns the localized description of this journal article in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getDescriptionCurrentLanguageId()
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getDescriptionCurrentValue()
java.util.Map getDescriptionMap()Returns a map of the locales and localized descriptions of this journal article.
void setDescription(java.lang.String description)Sets the description of this journal article.
void setDescription(java.lang.String description, java.util.Locale locale)Sets the localized description of this journal article in the language.
void setDescription(java.lang.String description, java.util.Locale locale, java.util.Locale defaultLocale)Sets the localized description of this journal article in the language, and sets the default locale.
void setDescriptionCurrentLanguageId(java.lang.String languageId)
void setDescriptionMap(java.util.Map descriptionMap)
Sets the localized descriptions of this journal article from the map of locales and localized descriptions.
void setDescriptionMap(java.util.Map descriptionMap, java.util.Locale defaultLocale)
Sets the localized descriptions of this journal article from the map of locales and localized descriptions, and sets the default locale.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getContent()Returns the content of this journal article.
void setContent(java.lang.String content)Sets the content of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getDDMStructureKey()Returns the ddm structure key of this journal article.
void setDDMStructureKey(java.lang.String DDMStructureKey)Sets the ddm structure key of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getDDMTemplateKey()Returns the ddm template key of this journal article.
void setDDMTemplateKey(java.lang.String DDMTemplateKey)Sets the ddm template key of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getLayoutUuid()Returns the layout uuid of this journal article.
void setLayoutUuid(java.lang.String layoutUuid)Sets the layout uuid of this journal article.
java.util.Date getDisplayDate()Returns the display date of this journal article.
void setDisplayDate(java.util.Date displayDate)Sets the display date of this journal article.
java.util.Date getExpirationDate()Returns the expiration date of this journal article.
void setExpirationDate(java.util.Date expirationDate)Sets the expiration date of this journal article.
java.util.Date getReviewDate()Returns the review date of this journal article.
void setReviewDate(java.util.Date reviewDate)Sets the review date of this journal article.
boolean getIndexable()Returns the indexable of this journal article.
boolean isIndexable()Returns true if this journal article is indexable.
void setIndexable(boolean indexable)Sets whether this journal article is indexable.
boolean getSmallImage()Returns the small image of this journal article.
boolean isSmallImage()Returns true if this journal article is small image.
void setSmallImage(boolean smallImage)Sets whether this journal article is small image.
long getSmallImageId()Returns the small image ID of this journal article.
void setSmallImageId(long smallImageId)Sets the small image ID of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getSmallImageURL()Returns the small image url of this journal article.
void setSmallImageURL(java.lang.String smallImageURL)Sets the small image url of this journal article.
java.util.Date getLastPublishDate()Returns the last publish date of this journal article.
void setLastPublishDate(java.util.Date lastPublishDate)Sets the last publish date of this journal article.
int getStatus()Returns the status of this journal article.
void setStatus(int status)Sets the status of this journal article.
long getStatusByUserId()Returns the status by user ID of this journal article.
void setStatusByUserId(long statusByUserId)Sets the status by user ID of this journal article.
java.lang.String getStatusByUserUuid()Returns the status by user uuid of this journal article.
void setStatusByUserUuid(java.lang.String statusByUserUuid)Sets the status by user uuid of this journal article.
@AutoEscape java.lang.String getStatusByUserName()Returns the status by user name of this journal article.
void setStatusByUserName(java.lang.String statusByUserName)Sets the status by user name of this journal article.
java.util.Date getStatusDate()Returns the status date of this journal article.
void setStatusDate(java.util.Date statusDate)Sets the status date of this journal article.
com.liferay.trash.kernel.model.TrashEntry getTrashEntry() throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
Returns the trash entry created when this journal article was moved to the Recycle Bin. The trash entry may belong to one of the ancestors of this journal article.
long getTrashEntryClassPK()Returns the class primary key of the trash entry for this journal article.
@Deprecated com.liferay.portal.kernel.trash.TrashHandler getTrashHandler()Deprecated. As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement Returns the trash handler for this journal article.
boolean isInTrash()Returns true if this journal article is in the Recycle Bin.
boolean isInTrashContainer()Returns true if the parent of this journal article is in the Recycle Bin.
boolean isInTrashExplicitly()
boolean isInTrashImplicitly()
boolean isApproved()Returns true if this journal article is approved.
boolean isDenied()Returns true if this journal article is denied.
boolean isDraft()Returns true if this journal article is a draft.
boolean isExpired()Returns true if this journal article is expired.
boolean isInactive()Returns true if this journal article is inactive.
boolean isIncomplete()Returns true if this journal article is incomplete.
boolean isPending()Returns true if this journal article is pending.
boolean isScheduled()Returns true if this journal article is scheduled.
boolean isNew()
void setNew(boolean n)
boolean isCachedModel()
void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel)
boolean isEscapedModel() getPrimaryKeyObj()
void setPrimaryKeyObj( primaryKeyObj)
com.liferay.expando.kernel.model.ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge()
void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.BaseModel baseModel)
void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(com.liferay.expando.kernel.model.ExpandoBridge expandoBridge)
void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext)
java.lang.String[] getAvailableLanguageIds()
java.lang.String getDefaultLanguageId()
void prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport() throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.LocaleException
void prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport(java.util.Locale defaultImportLocale) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.LocaleException
java.lang.Object clone()
int compareTo(JournalArticle journalArticle)
int hashCode()
com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.CacheModelJournalArticle> toCacheModel()
JournalArticle toEscapedModel()
JournalArticle toUnescapedModel()
java.lang.String toString()
java.lang.String toXmlString()